GOBLINSo here are some sculpts of my first character with zbrush..
And I gotta admit its fun.. I really would love to push the clothes and add a bunch of awesome things to it.. but again am running out of time and it needs to be done soon. Maybe i´ll revisit this ´happy fella´ after retopo and texturing again to push him into a portfolio piece.. (Current status took me 4 days)
Some Zbrush sculpts:
Some cavity shots to see more detail:
I´ll be back with retopo and textures in 2 days... till then! gotta long retopo night about to start... cheers -M
I finished the retopo of the whole character and cloth in one long ~17k tris day!
Gotta lay down 3:17am is way to late (: *crunsh*
Some max wires and the lp body with DECIMATED highpoly normal bake.
Final hps will ensure a normal bake with more detail:
tomorow.. or today to be more precise ill unwrap cloth, bake and start texturing both!
Selfnote: Dont forget the eyes and hair !
I´m going to take a break from texturing for just a moment. I guess this is a good time to show current work in progress of the textures. Needs hair though:
I´m going to take a break from texturing for just a moment. I guess this is a good time to show current work in progress of the textures. Needs hair though:
And with some hair:

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