Saturday, January 25, 2014

Taking a break from the next asset in the pipeline.. for now. Here is a work in progress look at the "Betty 2.0" Coffeemachine! The final ingame model will have a big coffee mug aswell (same texture space) that can be placed in it or where ever the ld pleases... together its 729polys/1.3k tris. so what it´ll be? sugar or milk?

3dsMax HP: (maybe ill add scratches in Zbrush but asset creation is kinda in a hurry so.. meh)




Tuesday, January 21, 2014

´have been working on new assets for our indie student project:
The latest one is a flickering old DINER sign. If you look closely you might see that the letters DIE flicker.. how weird! Maybe its a message for the player?  How rude!

